Christine Schauer
Owner and managing director of Futurepace Consulting GmbH
MA in social pedagogy, communications coach, Management 3.0 coach, SCUM-Master, practitioner trainer and practitioner coach (DVNLP, DFC, Pro-C Association), TQM coach, EFQM assessor, Insights MDI consultant status.
Languages: German, English
Trainer and consultant for 15 years, lives in Zurich

René Wirz
More than 25 years of management experience at all hierarchy levels and a specialist in operative HR leadership.
Postgraduate qualification in leadership & management. Contact person for SMEs in organizational and HR development. Also supports in operational management.
Lives in Luzern
Jeannine Born
Psychologist, psychotherapist and coach, MBSR teacher – mindfulness based stress reduction.
Works with individuals and groups. Systemic team and OD development
Focuses: identity, leadership, mindfulness, life balance / burnout / depression
Languages: German, English
Lives near Zürich
Beat Stirnimann
Psychologist, Career consultant, MA Community Development, Trainer
Works for more than 25 years as Career Counsellor for the city of Zurich
Development of psychometric diagnostic tests, author (NST Neueichung, Hogrefe Verlag Bern)
Currently: Development and publishing of LIP (Leisure-Interest-Profile)
Educational Workshops
Lives in Zurich
Gunhild Blankenstein
Dipl. Volkswirtin, MBA, Systemische Beraterin, Team-und Business-Coach, NLP-Practitioner, Trainerin
Langjährige Erfahrung in verschiedenen Management- und Führungsebenen. Beratungsschwerpunkte: Personalmanagement (Personalauswahl -entwicklung, Diagnostik, Nachfolgeregelungen), operative und strategische Themenbereiche vertriebsnaher Dienstleistungen, Vertrieb, Coaching
Sprachen: deutsch
Lives in Berlin/ Brandenburg
Lukas Szybowski
Teakwondo-Weltmeister, Trainer, Speaker, Gesundheitscoach & Outdoortrainer, Yogalehrer
Schwerpunkte: Gesundheitsmanagement, Resilienz, Veränderungsmotivation, Mentaltraining, Teambuilding, Team-Events, Großgruppen-Moderation, Bogenschießen
Lives in Zurich
Stefan Lammers
Executive coach UC Berkeley, team coach of the Academy of Executive Coaching London, systemic organizational consultant, sports mental coach and Chinese REN coach
Specialist in leadership, OE, sales development, workshop facilitation, lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Lives in Düsseldorf Brandenburg
Miriam Kost
Master’s in Business Administration, federally certified instructor and PSI competence consultant.
Generalist with extensive experience in the fields of management, leadership and training. Focus: Guiding and managing projects, interim management, coaching of individuals and teams according to the PSI and Zurich resources methods.
Languages: English, German, French and Italian
Lives in Lucerne
Björn von Busch
Studied education and psychology.
Trainer, team and business coach,
NLP Practitioner DVNLP, mediator.
Languages: English, German, Italian
Lives in Berlin
Penny Motley
Degree in Psychology (University of London), coach, specialist in intercultural team development
International skills trainer, “Developing People Internationally” facilitator, training in “Nonviolent Communication” by Marshall Rosenberg, NLP Practitioner DVNLP, business coach, Insights MDI consultant
Languages: English, German, Italian, French
Born and raised in England, lives in Berlin
Dr. Björn Migge
Former senior physician at the University Hospital Zurich, practitioner trainer and practitioner coach, author of several coaching textbooks for the publisher Beltz Verlag.
Focuses: Schema coaching, hypno-coaching and psychodrama, senior coach at the German Federal Association of Coaching DBVC. Founder of Quality Ring Coaching QRC and the German Coaching Association DFC.
Lives in Porta Westfalica