The supreme discipline of the future: Effective employee and results-oriented employee and company leadership through agile leadership
Leadership is a process that plays out between people in a complex system. If the people or the environment changes, leadership must consequently also change.
Now, the world within and around a company has changed considerably in recent years. Executives are acting in a radically changed market and context and are exposed to completely different expectations from members of “Generation Y and Z” regarding their jobs and supervisors.
Traditional power structures and traditional leadership practices no longer cut it. In order to keep up with today’s complexity, highly interlinked emotionally intelligent interaction is needed. And: “Power prevents joined-up thinking”. From social psychology, and/or from our own experiences, we know that employees in power structures tend to “tell people what they want to hear” and – following the law of least resistance – let the person with the power do what they want. Employee involvement, corporate entrepreneurship, creative processes, thinking collaboratively and with an eye to the future, i.e., the kind of culture most managers and employees in today’s organizations want, is thus prevented.
Hence, there is a demand for new thinking and approaches and a new understanding of leadership.