Management 3.0
The supreme discipline of the future:
Effective employee and corporate governance through agile leadership
Increasingly complex task structures in companies require new strategies in the area of management and employee leadership. The world within and around the company has changed considerably in recent years. Executives are acting in a radically changed market and context and are exposed to completely different demands from members of “Generation Y and Z” regarding their jobs and supervisors.
Here, new approaches to thinking and solving problems as well as new understandings of leadership are required. The manager becomes a coach, facilitator, multiplier in the unfolding of maximum creativity and personal best performance on the part of employees. Flat hierarchies, joint decision-making and entrepreneurship in companies are needed to promote this new spirit.
Leading employees, creating a good team and transmitting your own enthusiasm to others: This is surely the most complex, but also most rewarding challenge for anyone in management who deals with people.
And only people who open themselves up to complexity can act flexibly. This agile business organization eliminates the barriers of fossilized structures and leads to greater self-responsibility and self-development among the team. This not only makes employees more motivated: They ensure they are motivated themselves.
Management 3.0 has 8 aspects:
- Agile management
- Complex thinking
- Stimulating people
- Creating frameworks
- Empowering teams
- Building competence
- Developing structures
- Improving everything
“A company is always shaped by the people who work in it! Putting the human factor at the heart of entrepreneurial thinking and acting, and understanding and promoting employees as a central resource is the key success factor in corporate governance!”
The manager as coach
More than ever, one of the central tasks for every executive is to challenge and support employees in a constantly changing environment: Identifying potential, leading development discussions, defining objectives and supporting the achievement of goals, providing feedback, always having an open ear, while at the same time managing your own limited time… An exciting challenge that is not easy to deal with.
“Coaching training”
What is “Emotional Intelligence” as a leader?
Today, professional qualifications are only a minimum requirement for the “right” managers and for skilled executives today – so-called soft skills are far more important for the future. There is a clear need for objective, valid and reliable methods that allow people to draw conclusions about an individual’s personality and social skills.
We discuss your personal leadership profile with you by means of a computer-guided potential analysis and guide you in expanding your action spectrum.
In this process, the INSIGHTS MDI® competency model does not generate “losers,” but shows concrete, action-oriented ways to make use of your own or your employees’ potential. INSIGHTS profiles reveal how we behave under stress and in certain work situations, how we act in a team and what social role we play. They give us insight into our values structure, illuminate our extremely personal motivation system and explain why we behave in a certain way.
The special thing about it:
Das in 3 Stufen gegliederte Programm umfasst:
- The personal Insights MDI® potential analysis and evaluation in the form of textual and graphical reports
- The change workshop, where background knowledge and application mechanisms are presented and the development of change processes is started.
- The personal coaching, designed with the individual evaluation revealed in the potential analysis in mind, as a supporting tool for achieving your personal best.
- On request, in “coaching on the job” we will accompany you, even during employee interviews and team meetings, then give you feedback on what we have seen and provide helpful tips to extend your action spectrum.
Leading in change processes
The demands on executives and employees in managerial positions are changing constantly. In this, “nothing is more constant than change.” This requires continuous updating of success-promoting management skills to lead the company/department/region through the daily round of diverse challenges with bite and elegance. A leader who sees himself as a “change manager” consciously uses systemic organizational development methods to design change processes to create holistic corporate management. He takes responsibility for the change projects in the company and empowers employees so that they shift from being people affected by change to stakeholders in change. Only those who can professionally manage change will succeed in the end. In this process, coaching can be a helpful traveling companion. Or we will support you for a while in the change processes that lie ahead of you.